2022 Summer VHF-UHF Field Day advisory
The 2021 Summer VHF-UHF Field Day - 15-16 January 2022, will continue as scheduled.

As a result of VKCL developer Mike VK3AVV becoming SK, I ask that participants observe one minute’s silence at the opening of the contest as a mark of respect for Mike.

That is, in VK1-2-3-4-5-7 and VK8, the contest will commence at 0101 UTC. In VK6 it will commence at 0401 UTC.

Following the contest, would participants please send your logs to the WIA online log uploader in the usual way.

In the meantime, I am endeavouring to retrieve the 2021 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day logs to proceed with log-checking to determine the results, which will be posted to the WIA website in due course.
Is it time to review the start time for VK6? 
There are so few operators in VK6 joining the contest and rarely any in the field. In the spring contest my furthest contact in the metro area was 16Km.
When there has been SpE openings to the East they have been earlier in the day and before the VK6 start time.
Please can the WIA contest manager/committee review the start times. Otherwise in VK6 it will continue to decline and die.
For 6m & the odd tropo across the Bight similar start times would give the few of us who do try at least a chance to be somewhat competitive.
Noted. The VK6 start time was arrived at by consensus of participants (as I understand it). What VK6 start time would suit you (and, perhaps, fellow potential participants)?
Hi Roger
01:00 UTC is 09:00 WST which works fine for me as a home Operator. The question is - are there any Field Operators in VK6 out there and is an earlier start time an issue?
There has been no {evident} activity on VHF/UHF field days outside the Metro Perth area from what I can see for several years now. So its not really been an issue about people driving out into the country and needing time to set up. Rarely does anyone seem to come back on air for the sunday morning. There are two Operators who set up in Kings Park every Field Day for te Saturday afternoon and maybe an earlier start would provide greater flexibility.
I don't speak for other VK6 operators - this is just my view point. But I think its worth putting out there.
Well Nigel, why don't you get together with the 8 other known VK6 FD participants (and any other interested ops) and come up with a consensus suggestion?

From the log entries over the past two years: VK6EZ, VK6WR, VK6GN, VK6KCH, VK6JN, VK6JK, VK6NCB, VK6VF.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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