Toowoomba 23cm repeater status
G ‘Day folks
There is a listing for a repeater on the acma 
RRL, output on 1273.700MHz, just wondering the status on 
When it may be operational
Licenced to Andrew VK4QF.

Many thanks
I do not have an answer to your question, however, welcome to the forum.
Barossa Valley, SAP. PF95ln
(aka VK5CSW)
(01-05-2022, 07:38 PM)VK2CSW Wrote: I do not have an answer to your question, however, welcome to the forum.

Thanks for the welcome Colin. 
Long weekend here, and we finally have blue sky.
Shouldn’t complain, this time last year, the area was still in drought, have gone from dirt and dust to a jungle. Was hoping to finish off one project, fitting a lightweight 1.5 meter dish to the az/ele rotators, just on a tripod for testing, elevation feedback pot is very erratic, so have to dismount every thing and clean the pot. And reassemble it again, I still have to balance the it all out. Have some weights I can hopefully mount and adjust.
Might send a message to VK4QF about the repeater, would be a 50km los for me.

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