10-06-2022, 11:56 PM
fast beacon keyer
I have written firmware for fast beacon keyer for mega16. With 16Mhz xtal it sends a message
at 4400bps in about 20mS. This needs vhf radio with asynchronous FSK link. The idea is to find
out how often short burst tropo exists over ocean path (if it does). Tropo signals are strong
signals and only about 50watts of power is required; but the FSK link performance probably
depends a great deal on transmit deviation setting.
Experiment with signal polarization over ocean path is also of interest.
This keyer needs a serial connection at 19200bps to display received text. The keyer has a selcall
counter to count number of valid beacon detects. The message is sent as delay modulated varicode so
the FSK works at any fixed phase shift and has no DC component.
73 agx
I have written firmware for fast beacon keyer for mega16. With 16Mhz xtal it sends a message
at 4400bps in about 20mS. This needs vhf radio with asynchronous FSK link. The idea is to find
out how often short burst tropo exists over ocean path (if it does). Tropo signals are strong
signals and only about 50watts of power is required; but the FSK link performance probably
depends a great deal on transmit deviation setting.
Experiment with signal polarization over ocean path is also of interest.
This keyer needs a serial connection at 19200bps to display received text. The keyer has a selcall
counter to count number of valid beacon detects. The message is sent as delay modulated varicode so
the FSK works at any fixed phase shift and has no DC component.
73 agx