why are Aussie hams going with USA licenses?
I have over the last few years seen a number of Aussie hams sporting USA callsigns on web sites and online forums but I struggle to understand why people sit the FCC exam and pay the USA authority for a foreign callsign?

Can someone help me understand what it is that is so attractive to a local ham to have a USA license as well?  its not like they can use any extra bands or power under that call as they are bound by the local countries rules.

my VK license gives me everything I need and more and I am not intending to visit the USA any time this side of my death Big Grin

Not looking for any flames or smart answer, am genuinely curious on the motivations to do this.
Peter Sumner, vk5pj

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill
It used to be a cheap way in to a Australian licence based on 'previous/existing knowledge/qualifications' but that has been stopped now.
Terry VK5TM
Yeah, I would be added to the list as "one of those" with a US call.
The "why" for me is easy.  I found out about an exam to be held at the Sunshine Coast mid-2019 about a month beforehand so I set myself the task of "having a go".  Did I know enough so many years on since my last exam to pass this ?

I downloaded the USA regs, studied them. I did the same for the ARRL question banks. Did some "swotting" (old meaning that means a quick revision study process), ending up writing some code that asked the questions randomly. (and is still available from my website)

Exam day had me paying $AUD23 to attempt the Tech, then the General, then the Extra Class all in one morning - with the $23 covering the lot. The most pleasing bit was the results, 100% in each exam, not bad for an old fella well and truly past his prime.  So maybe I do know something about this "wireless" stuff.
The other outcome was the 'Extra Class' call KX4SX which I probably will never get to use on-air. Do I care ? Nope.  Does it give me (Advanced call VK4ADC since 1976, Limited call VK4ZDC from 1967 to 76) any advantages ?  Nope.   Do I need it to get any other qualification/licence ? Nope.  Am I likely to go overseas and need it then ? Unlikely at this stage.

So it is a bit of wallpaper on the wall in the shack, along with a few other certificates.  Mostly forgotten, but it was nice to know I could do it and the brain wasn't too befuddled ..... No other reason..

Doug VK4ADC/KX4SX/no spring chicken...
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Given the ACMA are hell-bent on pushing us onto a class licence and all we'll have is our original AOCP certificate to prove our qualification,  is holding a U.S. licence an advantage in future??
Back in 2018 i used the US license to get my advanced call because i have trouble with electronic theory. I just doesn't compute for me but i can learn 750 questions and answers first sitting i got tech and general with 1 days prep then came back a month later and got my extra i learnt a lot along the way i have use some of the remote ham radio stations which you need a us call for plus i got a pretty cool us call.

de vk3ktt/k3ktt Smile
It's just like another way to challenge oneself on knowledge, experience... just like hunting for DXCC. Big Grin

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