Australia Day Contest, 26 January 2023
From the WIA :

 26th of January Australia Day Contest

 This contest is to encourage Amateur Radio Activity around the world
 and is designed to encourage friendly participation and help improve
 the operating skills of participants.

 Amateurs in VK will endeavour to contact other amateurs around the
 world. VK operators can use the AX prefix as they celebrate Australia

 Scoring is distance based, calculated using 4-character grid squares.

 Contest is held on the Australia Day Public Holiday, 26 January.

 Contest Manager is Alan Shannon VK4SN

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Did you participate in this contest - or try to ?

I started off on 40M LSB just after the start time of 2200UTC (ie 8AM local in VK4) and worked just one station. I was called by at least one other but noise on the band precluded working them due to low signal levels.   A quick tune across 7074 indicated a total lack of FT8 activity so it was time to find another band.

The activity on 20M was better so FT8 was the action place. { I didn't hear any voices calling CQ Australia Day Contest across the 20M band. }  It was just as well the contest allowed digital contacts since there was no VHF included, and that we could work DX stations 'cos there was "bugger all" (Aussie slang) likely to happen otherwise.   There were a number of stations using the AX prefix around, some 2X1 calls too, but not an impressive number.   Was there too much thong-throwing and BBQ's happening ??

I appreciate Alan VK4SN's PDF about setting up N1MM+ for this event but there was no explanation regarding digital QSOs and the Cabrillo logging output for digital.  For instance, my log shows the FT8 (and FT4) exchanges in their raw dB levels yet the contest rules talk about RS(T) values.  Seemingly, N1MM doesn't have an option to convert these dB values into equivalent RS values per the agreed dB->S-unit table.  The rules will definitely require revision regarding that.

Moving on, the rules say you have to exchange the grid locator value (eg QG62 for me) but almost all of the stations you work on FT8/FT4 start their calls on TX2 (rather than TX1 which sends the grid detail) so you have a real contact in place but no way to legally (per the way the rules were written) claim it as a valid QSO. Now most of these guinea pigs didn't know they were in a contest 'cos, guess what, we didn't need to be in a contest mode in WSJT-X (or equiv), say EU VHF Contest mode where grid values are exchanged as part of the process.  I added a "START TX1 PLS" to my Tx Macros list and sent it a number of times - but it made no difference to the stations calling me.

To try to get the grid detail off the other station, I ended up putting a tick in the 'CQ' box in WJST-X so those were the stations I called, so yes, I had their grid locator.  The problem was subsequent to that, I worked that first station then ended up being called by up to half-a-dozen others. Did they use TX1, nope, most started at TX2 (so no grid) !   For me, I have about 9000 FT8 and FT4 contacts up my sleeve so have a data file containing just callsigns and grids accumulated over the last 5 years so a quick lookup of that data filled in most of the missing grids, and QRZCQ did or confirmed almost all of the remainder.   How did other operators get on ??  An interesting question that needs to be addressed in the rules : is it allowable to cross-check other sources when QSO/contacts fail to supply the necessary locator info ?? How do you police it ?

I missed a little of the 12 hours contest time because I did have to eat and interact (etc) but ended up with just over 300 QSOs in the log for the event.  The lack of VK/AX activity was a shame, particularly on voice/Phone, but that might improve next year when it is better known about (and hopefully better pre-publicised). 

The rules require some revision, the explanatory PDF expanded to make it easy for others to set up N1MM+ and see how to treat things like dB values in the Cabrillo log data. It takes time but it adds significant value for those entering the event.

My 2 cents worth...

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Hi Doug,
from my limited experience, contesting via digital modes other than things like RTTY where you can ask for extra data is a frustrating exercise.  Many people have no understanding of the contest modes in WSJT-X or JTDX and I have seen it fall into a nasty heap of who did or didn't do what.

The MAJOR contests where there is regular well informed attendance is of course the opposite to this, they are their for a purpose and know what MODE to be in to be successful.

The Ross Hull contest is a prime example of where it goes wrong, most on 50.313 FT8 are there for the DX and would rarely every go to a contest mode on FT8 unless the band has no DX prospects.

I have wondered if some of the digital modes should be ignored for the smaller contests and encourage people back to voice, CW & RTTY for these events, I am sure I will get plenty of flames for that one Big Grin
Peter Sumner, vk5pj

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill
I found quite a few occasions where WSJTX would not log a grid locator, as you found, Doug. My WSJTX logging is set to automatically go to Ham Radio Deluxe. This is where I found, on all instances, except one, HRD inserted the correct grid locator when the log auto saved.
All in all, smooth sailing and a lot of fun. 40M FT8 was dead until 05-0600z when stations rolled in, mainly stateside. So far, when I checked last night, there were 18 logs submitted, which is rather disappointing. The next few weeks will tell all. I personally also feel there were only a woeful amount of VKs on FT8 anyway. I see more on a typical weekend. As said, BBQs, beer and mates for the win.

Peter VK2EHQ
Rules state : 
Logging software and log submission

 Logs are due by 000Z Saturday on the 2nd weekend following the contest.

That makes it, by my reckoning, the 4th Feb, (28th Jan was the first Saturday/weekend) and that date is only a few days away now.   
That is the second weekend after the contest, which was held on a Thursday.

The VK Log Checker site, where you upload your log, has the following detail :
Contest Start: 25 January 2023, 2200 UTC
Contest End: 26 January 2023, 1000 UTC
Logs Open: 25 January 2023, 2200 UTC
Logs Close: 11 February 2023, 2359 UTC

I should add that a the time of this post, there were only 25 logs shown as submitted.


Postscript :  at 0300UTC 4th Feb 2023
now 27 logs submitted
Contest Start: 25 January 2023, 2200 UTC
Contest End: 26 January 2023, 1000 UTC
Logs Open: 25 January 2023, 2200 UTC
Logs Close: 04 February 2023, 2359 UTC
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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The results of the 2023 Australia Day Contest are available in full at

An extract of the details are as below :

Place Callsign Operators Score

DX Winners:
1st CW W7VC W7VC 11,667
1ST DG WH6EY WH6EY 739,096
2ND DG KH6RDO KH6RDO 440,063
3RD DG NH6O NH6O 73,964
4th DG HS0ZOY HS0ZOY 67,497

Single Op Phone
1st AX5PAS VK5PAS 826,294
2nd VK7IAN VK7IAN 97,192
3rd VK5Y VK5JAK 30,623
4th VK1O VK1AO 12,568
5th VK3W VK3TIN 8,215
6th AX4OTZ AX4OTZ 7,727
7th VK4HRE VK4HRE 7,660
8th AX4ADC AX4ADC 3,139
9th VK3AMO VK3AMO 2,766
10th VK4SN VK4SN 1,,860
11th VK4ER VK4ER 1,474
12th AX2TTL AX2TTL 1,471
13th VK4O VK4MUD 1

Single Op CW
1st W7VC W7VC 11,667

Single Op Digital
1st AX4ADC AX4ADC 3,292,694
2nd VK4O VK4MUD 2,713,094
3rd VK4SN VK4SN 2,319,194
4th VK2EHQ VK2EHQ 2,262,338
5th VK1O VK1AO 1,783,561
6th AX5BD AX5BD 749,789
7th WH6EY WH6EY 739,096
8th KH6RDO KH6RDO 440,063
9th VL5F VK5AJQ 256,395
10th AX7STO AX7STO 243,465
11th VK5WU VK5WU 197,732
12th AX2EY VK2EY 153,919
13th NH6O NH6O 73,964
14th HS0ZOY HS0ZOY 67,497
15th AX4OTZ AX4OTZ 30,639

1st VK4HM VK4BOB VK4SJB VK4JU 257,432
2nd VL4A VK4BLE VK4FOMP 251,162

1st AX5ARA VK5STU VK5NIG 304,691
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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