WSJT-X 2.6.0 GA Release
WSJT-X 2.6.0 GA Release

The WSJT Development Team is pleased to announce the WSJT-X 2.6.0 General Availability (GA) release.  Program changes from version 2.5.4, released one year ago, are described in the Release Notes:

Be sure to read the full Release Notes entry for today's date, January 6 2023.  Program enhancements since program version 2.5.4 and extensive.

We call to your attention, once again, that the WSJT Home Page has moved to a new URL:

Direct links for downloading pre-built installation packages for Windows, Linux, and macOS, can be found on the WSJT-X page:

For those who like to compile from source, a complete source-code tarball is available at the WSJT-X page. Public access to the git repository for the WSJT project is available on the "Git" tab here:

WSJT-X is licensed under the terms of Version 3 of the GNU General Public License (GPL).  Development of this software is a cooperative project to which many amateur radio operators have contributed.  If you use our code, please have the courtesy to let us know about it.  If you find bugs or make improvements to the code, please report them to us in a timely fashion.

The authors and Copyright holders of WSJT-X request that derivative works should not publish programs based on features in WSJT-X before those features are made available in a General Availability (GA) release of WSJT-X.  We will cease making public Release Candidate (RC) pre-releases for testing and user early access purposes if this request is ignored.

Bugs should be reported by following instructions found here in the User Guide:

We hope you will enjoy using WSJT-X 2.6.0.

   -- 73 from Joe, K1JT; Steve, K9AN; Nico, IV3NWV; Uwe, DG3YCB;
        Brian, N9ADG; and John, G4KLA
As far as I can see Q65 mode in v2.6.0 is not as it should be ... no ability to select different Q65 sequence duration e.g Q65-15, Q65-30, Q65-60

Is anyone else seeing the same?

73, Bob ZL1RS

The question probably should have been "anyone not seeing the same"...

But, yes, it is missing from my 2.6.0 as well, and apparently there was a comment on VKSpotter 6M chat over the weekend related to Q65 modes and that there would be a "fix" in 2.6.1 to be released shortly.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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On the release version of WSJT-X 2.6 the tick box for 'Call 1st' has been replaced by a pull down selection menu, which is by default set to be "none" if you want the old "Call 1st" behaviour you need to select either 'first' or 'max distance' then the software will respond when called.. I stumbled across this today while working vk1kw on 144 and wondered why the 'Auto Seq' had not kicked in and replied as I would have expected.

looks like I missed this change during all the beta releases as I had stopped using WSJT-X for FT8 on 50 MHz. Hope this avoids others getting that red faced feeling when the software does not work as expected Big Grin
Peter Sumner, vk5pj

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill
Latest General Availability (GA) releases: WSJT-X 2.6.1 ...

The Q65 sequence timing spinner button is back, along with a couple of other bug fixes as described in the Release Notes.

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