
What causes blank lines between normal decoded lines?

see below for example

Thank you


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(02-02-2023, 04:03 PM)VK6RO Wrote: What causes blank lines between normal decoded lines?

I will start by stating that I do not use JTDX so some of the following is an assumption based on WSJT-X experience, and JTDX is derived from WSJT-X.

If JTDX doesn't understand/decode a 'line' correctly then it cannot display it correctly.  An instance of this is the likes of 
"191330  -7  0.2 1664 ~  <ZL/OE1HLB> EA5JEG -08" - which in itself should display just fine.

But occasionally both callsigns are in triangular brackets, particularly when in 'contest mode' or when both calls are "specials, extra length", and there may be additional data as well, like serial number and/or grid square details.  That is where I suspect JTDX comes unstuck - because my BandView software has exactly the same issue.  Normal exchanges decode fine but contest exchanges and two extra-length callsigns are not correctly handled and present as blank lines.

There is a way to see exactly what the cause is - if you are quick enough.  
The incoming data is stored in the file ALL.TXT in the C:/Users/**username**/Appdata/Local/JTDX folder ( **username** is YOUR username profile ) but before you access it via the Files / Open Log Directory menu option, after you see these blank lines, quickly press the Monitor button so that it doesn't keep decoding new data.  Then use the menu option noted before, select the ALL.TXT file (double-click) and scroll to the bottom of it (presumably it opened in Windows Notepad) and compare the last correctly-decoded line in JTDX to the lines showing in Notepad. It will be the subsequent decodes that are causing the blank lines in JTDX.

Once you have confirmed the cause, please post the details back here so others have the same info.

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Hey Graham,
you NEED to check your colour highlight settings...  I am willing to bet you have one of them set up for white text without a coloured background.  How am I so confident, at the end of the blank line it still shows the country as 'Australia'.  The selection of colours never changes this last part of the line where the country is shown.  Get in there Graham and have a careful look at your selected colours, you may not remember doing it but it is something only ever done by the operator.  Did someone suggest you make a change to hide worked before callsigns ?  what ever the reasons, its in the Notifications TAB in Settings.
Peter Sumner, vk5pj

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill
I followed instructions and got a few examples.

The lines below match the jtdx program lines in some i managed to catch.

The print screens are just examples

Thank you

EXAMPLE of JTDX blank line feb 3 2023
This log extract coincides with the jtdx program where blank lines are.

There is a few more from this morning

Maybe look at the attached txt file in full screen

20230203_004830 -13  0.2 1874 ~ JA3XJF VK6OX 73          ^
20230203_004830 -13  0.6 1716 ~ VK6ZFG JJ1NLR -15
20230203_004847.413(0)  Transmitting 50.313 MHz + 1963Hz  FT8:  CQ VK6RO OF77                       
20230203_004900  -5  0.2  346 ~ VK8AW JA1MLY -07          ^
20230203_004900  -2  0.4 2267 ~ VK6ZFG JA2BTV PM85 

20230203_004930 -12  0.3 1327 ~ VK6ZFG JA7EVP -07        ^
20230203_004951.095(0)  Transmitting 50.313 MHz + 1963Hz  FT8:  JG1RVN VK6RO R-05                   
20230203_005000  -1  0.2 2101 ~ VK6ZFG JR3UPT PM74        ^
20230203_005000  -5  0.3  962 ~ VK6RO JG1RVN -11

20230203_005030  -6  0.2 1286 ~ VK6ZFG JO1LVZ -20        ^
20230203_005045.091(0)  Transmitting 50.313 MHz + 1963Hz  FT8:  JG1RVN VK6RO 73                     
20230203_005058.883(0)  QSO logged: JG1RVN
20230203_005100  -3  0.3  962 ~ VK6RO JG1RVN RR73
20230203_005100  -8  0.3 1872 ~ JR7COP VK6OX -16

20230203_005130 -12  0.2 1498 ~ VK6RO JE6KYA -15
20230203_005130 -11  0.2 2044 ~ VK6RO JF2MBF -13
20230203_005145.142(0)  Transmitting 50.313 MHz + 1963Hz  FT8:  JF2MBF VK6RO R-11                   
20230203_005200  0  0.3  644 ~ VK6ZFG JM1SZY -13
20230203_005200  -2  0.2 2642 ~ VK6ZFG JR3UPT -13 

20230203_005230 -13  0.2 1498 ~ VK6RO JE6KYA -10
20230203_005245.189(0)  Transmitting 50.313 MHz + 1963Hz  FT8:  JE6KYA VK6RO R-13                   
20230203_005300  0  0.3  998 ~ VK6ZFG JM1SZY -12
20230203_005300  1  0.2 2395 ~ VK6ZFG JF2MBF -16  ^

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.txt   JTDX BLANK LINE LOG FOR VK4ADC.txt (Size: 1.6 KB / Downloads: 78)

From the limited data extracts supplied, the only thing that might be common is that the timing value on the missing lines seems to be a negative value referenced to your system.  That is not definitive since only a small data extract was provided.

A further option is to run both JTDX and WSJT-X on the same machine simultaneously and with the same radio and audio set up. Hopefully both will operate normally (unlike when you run two or more WSJT-X instances on the same band at the same time - one shows decodes and the other doesn't) and you can get a definite view on what the data that is missing actually is.   

The ALL.TXT files are in different folders :  .../Local/WSJT-X versus .../Local/JTDX so you can compare what is decoding in each package. Theoretically they should be the same BUT you will be able to see what is a common factor about the missing data lines on the JTDX display. Timing, brackets, etc.. given that WSJT-X doesn't come up with the blank lines.

If it is only when you CQ (etc) then it will be a colour issue to do with the colour enhancement of your own callsign, as per Peter VK5PJ's suggestion.

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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The text and background colours are not the default ones, so the problem is likely as Peter says.

From what I can see, it appears that 'Check and highlight new calls' is selected with 'CQ in message' 'New Call' text in white with a pink background , but 'CQ in message' calls of stations you have already worked (logged with that copy of JTDX) are in white text with a white background.

Upload a screen shot of File > Settings > Notifications which should provide a clue if that is the case.

73, Bob ZL1RS

... another possibility is 'Highlight worked ones' with 'don't show it' are checked.
Thank you PJ and RS

WSJT does not have this problem.

tried on 2 computers same thing with JTDX

Hopefully this print  screen may give a clue?

May try 100% fresh install of jtdx when i get time HI


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On that File > Setting > Notifications page ... in Configuration tips click on the button "CQ in message". I am almost certain you will find that white is selected. Try selecting any of the darker shades in 'Basic colors' ... click OK and see what you get (might need to restart JTDX ??)

Cheers, Bob

You have worked one (before) all whited out.

Compare yours with below.

Gday All

Finally got it sorted

Total uninstall of JTDX got rid of everything after backing up the log files etc then a brand new install

Old logs safely backed up for future reference if needed.

Working 100% now.

Thank you to all for advice and cheers

graham vk6ro
Hello Graham,
  for future reference you do not need to uninstall JTDX to do a master reset, all of the settings are held in one file called JTDX.INI that is in a subfolder of the 'users' directory tree on the C: drive.

specifically here:  C:%HOMEPATH%\Appdata\local\jtdx      (please copy and paste that to the top bar of your Windows Explorer) in that folder you should see a file called JDTX.INI  Once JTDX has been closed, you can simply rename it to JTDX.OLD or JTDX.BAD or something like that, then when you start JTDX again it will be like day one, all settings will need to be entered again.

Good luck.
Peter Sumner, vk5pj

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill
(05-02-2023, 01:50 PM)VK5PJ Wrote: Hello Graham,
  for future reference you do not need to uninstall JTDX to do a master reset, all of the settings are held in one file called JTDX.INI that is in a subfolder of the 'users' directory tree on the C: drive.

specifically here:  C:%HOMEPATH%\Appdata\local\jtdx      (please copy and paste that to the top bar of your Windows Explorer) in that folder you should see a file called JDTX.INI  Once JTDX has been closed, you can simply rename it to JTDX.OLD or JTDX.BAD or something like that, then when you start JTDX again it will be like day one, all settings will need to be entered again.

Good luck.

The same "trick" can be used to reset WSJT-X but look for the folder named WSJT-X under \Appdata\Local in lieu of JTDX, and the file to rename/delete is WSJT-X.INI
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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