14-02-2023, 09:00 AM
about 18 months ago I created some visual Basic scripts to interpret the log files generated by JTDX so I could use this data to create visual maps of the stations heard from my home station on 50 MHz.
At that time my efforts did not work out as I now realise I was attacking it the wrong way, sorry to those who provided files back then, as it was a bit of a flop.
Recent activity from Juan, TG9AJR on 50 MHz inspired me to take another look at my previous efforts as I want to see if I could map the activity from the TG9AJR point of view.
So first look at my old scripts was a major disappointment but it seemed a worthy task to put effort into so once again I became the hermit in front of the home PC each night with the occasional pause to join my partner in her binge watch of Downton Abbey on the TV.
The web site I have used to create the maps from my cobbled together ADIF files is : mapping web site
With a few stumbles and many bug fixes I was able to create some maps for Juan and have sent them to him, so what next, well time to do some maps of what my 50 MHz station has heard of the last 6 months, which was for me very illuminating.
you can see some examples of the maps here: activity maps
it is important to understand these maps show the stations you have decoded and are not limited to the ones you worked/logged, that you would get by an export of your normal log to an ADIF file.
I will not bore you too much with the nitty gritty but the scripts read each log file I nominate, then create FAKE ADIF files that can then be uploaded to any mapping website of your choice to create maps. All lines without a valid GRID square are discarded as they contain no position information, the remaining lines are filtered and processed to created the ADIF file. This file still needs some manual editing to weed out the false decoded that occasionally pop up and those stations sending wrong grids.
Once I have the log file it takes about 15 minutes per file to process and create a map, queue starts to the left
about 18 months ago I created some visual Basic scripts to interpret the log files generated by JTDX so I could use this data to create visual maps of the stations heard from my home station on 50 MHz.
At that time my efforts did not work out as I now realise I was attacking it the wrong way, sorry to those who provided files back then, as it was a bit of a flop.
Recent activity from Juan, TG9AJR on 50 MHz inspired me to take another look at my previous efforts as I want to see if I could map the activity from the TG9AJR point of view.
So first look at my old scripts was a major disappointment but it seemed a worthy task to put effort into so once again I became the hermit in front of the home PC each night with the occasional pause to join my partner in her binge watch of Downton Abbey on the TV.
The web site I have used to create the maps from my cobbled together ADIF files is : mapping web site
With a few stumbles and many bug fixes I was able to create some maps for Juan and have sent them to him, so what next, well time to do some maps of what my 50 MHz station has heard of the last 6 months, which was for me very illuminating.
you can see some examples of the maps here: activity maps
it is important to understand these maps show the stations you have decoded and are not limited to the ones you worked/logged, that you would get by an export of your normal log to an ADIF file.
I will not bore you too much with the nitty gritty but the scripts read each log file I nominate, then create FAKE ADIF files that can then be uploaded to any mapping website of your choice to create maps. All lines without a valid GRID square are discarded as they contain no position information, the remaining lines are filtered and processed to created the ADIF file. This file still needs some manual editing to weed out the false decoded that occasionally pop up and those stations sending wrong grids.
Once I have the log file it takes about 15 minutes per file to process and create a map, queue starts to the left

Peter Sumner, vk5pj
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill