2023 JMMFD
Hi all,

Just getting ready for this contest next weekend. I will be managing 2m 70cm and 23cm for VK2WG/p. I note that Mike 3AVV (SK)'s website no longer exists. I went looking to see whether I had the absolute latest VKCL and I don't think I do. Does anyone know where an archive could be found?

And for future logging I saw reference to YACL but not sure now where development of that is up to - anyone know or are people gravitating to N1MM for our VK contest logging?

I have been going back through the various threads regarding the use of digi modes (ie WSJT) - given the later versions have the ability to swap  6 letter grids I wonder whether anyone has any further thoughts on how we can move it forward such that this and some of the other VK contests could include the mode.

John VK2YW

The last version of VKCL was 4.15 so if that's the one you have then all is good. I will keep an eye on subsequent posts and, if necessary, make it available for download from my website.

YACL development stalled almost completely around the middle of last year due to a car accident involving my sister, and the repercussions are still being felt by me. The murk is now clearing a little and my improving mindset might eventually allow me to get back to that code.  Those same issues look like precluding my participation in this JMMFD.

I am pretty sure that N1MM can't support the HF bands plus then the VHF/UHF distance versus bands specified in the JMMFD rules - although I could be wrong. I haven't looked at those rules recently so they may have been changed.

To swap 6 character grids in FT8,... then the software needs to be set up in EU VHF Contest mode on the advanced settings tab in WSJT-X.

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

This Forum is only going to be as interesting as the posts it contains. 
If you have a comment or question, post it as it may trigger or answer the query in someone else's mind.
Thanks Doug

Interesting re the latest version being 4.15...one of our contesting group reckons he has 4.2 so when I meet up I will have a look and update here if there is such a version.

Sorry to hear about your sister and the reprocussions still ongoing - I hope that she is on the improve and sorry to hear you won't make it to JMMFD.

I am pretty sure I downloaded a very early version of YACL and was quite impressed and wish you all the best with the development. I haven't looked at N1MM becasue I already use L4OM as my day to day logger and while it too will do some contrests Mike' VKCL is my go to for most contests. I had worked him on a number of occasions and had some discussions via email with him regarding VKCL. Such a shock when I heard the news of his passing.I had just heard on the grapevine that the N1MM logger had some support for VK contests but as I said no direct experience.

And yes - have had a look inside WSJT and some discussions with Denis re this year's JMMFD and after that I decided our club would enter the phone section this year.

The other issue I have with JMMFD is that I truly believe the scoring needs to be brought into line with the other VHF contests. By doing so it should encourage more ambitious portable stations out in the field as the 'bang for buck' should be greater. As it stands the max points you can get is for a contact at 300k which on 2m from a mountaintop is pretty easy with modest gear. We take up a 60ft windup mast with rotator and room for 6,2,70 and 23 antennas for our VHF entry and I see 3ER/p doing similar....no doubt others too. Not sure of the numbers of portable stations these days but contest radar doesn't show many.

Anyway food for thought

John 2YW

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