2023 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day weekend June 24th & 25th
G'day All, not many sleeps to go now for the most testing of the VHF/UHF Field Day weekends of the year - the character building Winter VHF/UHF FD... the Winter FD is for the hardy or perhaps the foolhardy... :-)

Winter 2023 - 0100 UTC Saturday 24 June through 0059 UTC Sunday 25 June (0300 / 0259 in VK6).

I'm guilty of a multi-year hiatus from the VHF/UHF FD's but over the last couple of years, I've been sucked into the vortex of the VK3KQ/P clan... or is that clandestine...!

If I can get my backside into action and the last lot of parts arrive in time, I'll hopefully be running a portable/roving 2m - 10Gig station on at least 3 locations during the daylight hours in various locations in Western & Northern VK3 to give anyone some contacts and then back with the VK3KQ/P crew at night.

Who's going out for a few hours or days over the weekend?

Don't forget to post your location here... Contest Radar

And for pre & post and overnight carry-on (not for co-ordinating contacts of course), log into the VK Spotter... VK Spotter

G'day Nik,

Great work on the portable 2 - 10 setup

There's usaully at least 3 or 4 home stations on for the field days in VK1 (myself included) active on 6m through to 13cm and always keen to give out some numbers.

We usually hang out on VK Logger as well, feel free to point north when you can Smile


VK4WIE will be operating multi-op from 6m to 10GHz, QTH about 100metres north of the rabbit fence near Carrs Lookout (Queen Mary Falls area). Will endeavour to remember to put us on Contest Radar.
I'm planning on a 'contained' activating just 3.4 and 10GHz to the trig point at Mt Mowbullan QG53tc26 at an elevation of 1,107m ASL.

At this stage I will be aiming for Saturday afternoon from 02:00z [for about 2 - 3 hrs] to provide the best, and longest opportunity to work VK2SRC/P on both bands.
Clear Mountain QG62lp
Two sleeps to go until the usual Fri night frivolity testing session, fix the bugs, then into it midday Saturday.

Cheers from one of many at station VK3KQ/P this weekend :-) 6m - 24G and maybe 47G
We (VK3KQ/P) were forced to abandon our field day effort yesterday due to filthy WX, terribly poor site conditions, two members sick and one ended up in hospital not long after we started on site.

WX permitting, I may go to Mt Buninyong QF12XI13 this arvo for a few hours. Info on Contest Radar and I hope to be on the VK Spotter. Bands: 2 & 70FM, 1296, 2.4, 3.4 & 5.7

Sunday update: I ended up going to Mt Buninyong at QF12XI, made a total of five contacts on 2 & 70 in the rain, then went to the Barrabool Hills (west of Geelong) at QF21DT this morning to make three contacts on 2m in the rain. There was little activity after dinner on Sat night and not much this morning either. The uWave gear stayed nice and dry in the back of my vehicle during the two day road trip... :-)  Our patient has since had foot surgery overnight and won't be very mobile for the next six weeks... that's our Winter FD for another year...

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