Redfest 2024 - 6th April - SEQld
Saturday 6th April at St Michael’s College, The Abbey Place, Caboolture.



It’s John Saunders (VK4BZ) from the Redcliffe and Districts Radio Club.

This year’s Redfest is doing things a little differently!

Ladies! We are trying to look after the ladies in our lives as well as the ladies on-air with their own callsigns. As such, Redfest 2024 will feature non-radio related tables focussed purely on female interest areas. There will also be a specialty café with proper coffees, cakes, slices and cookies, along with sit-down café tables under the club marquee. Very civilized! ALARA will also have a presence this year to encourage more ladies to take up this great hobby of ours. So, invite the ladies along this year! (My XYL is coming!)

Technical! For those who want to expand their technical knowledge, there will be a demonstration of the ICOM IC-905, the new commercially made microwave transceiver. The Brisbane VHF Group will also be there to do a Tech Talk on microwave propagation.

Prizes! Raffle prizes are always attractive items at Redfest and this year is even better with the ICOM ID-5100A VHF/UHF FM and digital transceiver as the main prize. There will also be minor prizes as well as hourly lucky door draws.

And as usual! Yes, all your favourite stalls full of pre-loved goodies along with our regular commercial sellers will be there too! Did I mention Dougie’s famous bacon and egg rolls? Yep, the BBQ will be running hot as always.

Food available from 8:00am and the gates are open to the bargains from 9:00am. Major prize draw is at 11:00am. Entry is $5.00 and raffle tickets are also $5.00 (can be purchased prior to the day – see the club website).

See you at Redfest 2024!

John Saunders (VK4BZ)


Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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A quick reminder that Redfest 2024 is now only five days away, on 6th April.

Redfest is definitely the place to be in Southeast Queensland next Saturday! St Michael’s College, Abbey Place, Caboolture.

With 40 tables of sellers showcasing a range of pre-loved and brand-new goodies for the avid ham, you won’t leave disappointed. You won’t have to look hard to find things like a couple of fully functional FL2100 amps and two Yaesu MP1000’s operational but needing TLC.

Don’t forget our spotlight on the ladies this year with three special focus sellers, the display from ALARA and (of course) the café.

Doug has the BBQ heating up already with anticipation of cooking his famous bacon and egg rolls.

The Brisbane VHF Group will be doing those Tech Talks demonstrating the all new ICOM IC-905 and explaining the wonders of microwave propagation.

There will be half-hourly lucky door prizes, minor raffle draw prizes and the major prize of the ICOM ID-5100A. Raffle tickets are only $5.00, available on the day.

The fine food is available from 8:00am and the sales start at 9:00am. Entry is only $5.00

Check out the club website for more details:

See you Saturday 6th April at Redfest 2024!
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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