New Member (s)
hi everyone. Great to see the forum reborn. Thanks to whoever set it up again .Great job
Wayne VK4WTN
Hi all,

Just a quick hello from a recent addition to the awesome ham community. From olde time CB'er to AOCP(A) in one giant leap, with much to learn but relatively little in the way of experience and knowledge to share at this stage. So, yes, consider me a "lurker" but in a good way!

Thanks in advance to all those who, having stood on the shoulders of those who came before them, are also prepared to do the same for those who follow.

G'day All

I just remembered there was something missing in my life... this forum!

I hope to add some "workbench" articles soon. I have been constructing... EFHW antenna tuners and digital interfaces (for PC and tablet).

73 Bruce
Greatlakes Radio Club
Hey all,

Just discovered this forum. Great to see the vklogger forum reborn! :-)

Hey All.

vk2ezt here in Sydney. Just bumped into this forum after landing @ vklogger's 'archived' site. Unsure on the troublesome history there but happy to contribute my little knowledge on here.

My name's Ezat (most call me Ezy), work in I.T Security mostly and when have time which is rare, focus on a lost hobby of mine, amateur radio.

Long lost hobbies come with long lost ambitions like building a broadband hex or finishing off my vk5jst antenna analyzer that is troubling me.

In terms of operating, dont have an antenna as yet but own a ts430s. Keen to get into the SDR realm i.e sdrplay sometime.

Thanks for the forum.
Ezat - VK2EZT
Liverpool, NSW Australia
Personal blogging and beacon monitoring can be found at:

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