Is there any VK (or ZL) FT8 activity on 6m? Any nominated frequency that suits our band plan?

73 de Peter VK2EHQ

I run WSJT-X 1.8.1rc2 here (on Linux of course) and have just compiled MSHV 1.49 which doesn't (wink) have FT8.

Download MSHV sauce...
mkdir build1; cd build1
Edit ../src/config.h and uncomment QT5
== enable FT8 == Edit ../src/main_ms.cp
Line 469 rb_mode_ft8->setEnabled(true);//k1jt problem
qmake-qt5 ../MSHV_x86_64.pro
Edit Makefile find "posix" text libfftw3....posix.a
replace with "-lfftw3"
============ UPDATE 5/11/17 MSHV 1.53 has FT8 enabled ======

=== 6m sked times ===
Saturday and Sunday mornings, 6am to 8am for Meteor scatter, discussion on VKLOGGER
Hi Alan,

Thanks for the response regarding the sked times on the weekends. I have copied VK2, 3, 4 & 5 many times using MSHV, but don't have anything suitable to get back to them, well that's up on a tower. Sitting inside a wall of a shed is not the way to do it.

Unfortunately, at the moment I'm running Windows only.

Peter VK2EHQ

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