Microwave Operator Survey
Myself and a couple of other VK5 operators are contemplating a road trip in a couple of months which will take us to VK2, VK3 & VK4. We will have microwave equipment with us and would be looking to make contacts along the way with particular emphasis on the millimetre wave bands (24GHz and above).

This raised the question of where are all the microwave operators and what bands can they work on. To answer this I would like to conduct a survey. All I need from you is a call sign, grid square (or postcode) and what bands you can operate on (1296MHz and above). I'll compile the data into a table and post it here for the benefit of all. Please send your information by email to band.info@vk5zd.com

73 & Thanks in advance
Iain – VK5ZD
Here is the list so far. Please note that some of the information has been obtained from sources other than the operator (e.g. VHF-UHF Field Day results) although I'm ignoring stations that only have 1296MHz as there are loads of them.

If you see something that's incorrect please let me know.
If you know someone else with microwave gear please give me the details as they might not be seeing these messages.

At this stage I'm only recording which bands people can operate on plus a free format notes field (which is not on the published report) with any other info that's provided. As Scott (VK4CZ) has mentioned, when it comes to arranging a contact there is the question of availability. I've decided not to record that information at this time because it can vary too much.


.pdf   VK Microwave Operators.pdf (Size: 42.21 KB / Downloads: 572)
The list has further updates.
It seems a bit silly to upload the file here each time it changes so the latest version can always be obtained here:

My details are nominally correct in your list and I am hoping that my current surge of maintenance activity will make them fully correct before the VK5 trip to the north-east. Sorry, no gear above 10.3GHz though, and no plans to do so in the future. 

That still leaves 1296, 2403, 3398, 5760 and 10368 on the go-list. Liasion on 2M FM (eg 146.500) is preferred, 439.000 simplex is the only alternate option in my normal (what's normal ????) configuration.

I should be able to do some portable microwave again by then if that opens up other options. {I am working towards that state at present.}

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

This Forum is only going to be as interesting as the posts it contains. 
If you have a comment or question, post it as it may trigger or answer the query in someone else's mind.
Hi Doug,

I'm in Western Sydney, Emu Heights, on the escarpment facing east, just 10m up from the plain.

Our liaison frequency: 146.450

I can be on 1296 using my Icom 910H and 12el phased array, horizontal but blocked by trees.

The Chatswood 23cm repeater is just out of range, I hear it sometimes with the above antenna vertical.

My focus is on Codec2 atm.

==== From Facebook ====, Noted by John VK2YOC 9/8/2021
Kevin Johnston asked a question in VHF UHF Microwave - VK ZL Amateur ham

A Question to the team.
Who is using (or at least set up to use) the narrow band section of
13cms band at 2300-2302MHz?
I thought that the last survey suggested that there were only a tiny
handful of VKs running down there for EME and that almost everyone else
was running around 2403.
In VK4 we made the decision to move down at least to 2400 for routine
operating where the QRM levels were much lower and as we dont currently
have any satellite operation in region 3 (despite the bandplan)
Who is down on 2.3GHz please?
Kevin VK4UH
Brisbane VHF Group

Right now, HackRF One as Rx, current antenna, Horn for 2.4 to 3.4 GHz and inline filters for either 2.4 or 3.4GHz. On rotator.
Readily modified to 2.3GHz.
I have a DEMI 2300-2450 MHz transverter; 144 MHz IF. They still have various kits for this frequency range: https://www.downeastmicrowave.com/category-s/1839.htm

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