04-04-2019, 04:40 PM
At my new QTH the opportunities are a bit limited for antenna towers so I am thinking to install a tilt-up home brew mast of 6m height in the block corner.
My question relates to the better material profile to use - circular hollow section, or square hollow section. The material will be aluminium for weight considerations. I can arrange a nicely-anchored stirrup structure in concrete for the base, but being in a corner I cannot deploy guy wires on three or four sides so it must be effectively self supporting. At a pinch I could arrange for stays, also in aluminium, on two of the sides that are within my property line. There is the need for it to appear "aesthetically pleasing" to avoid conflict with ZYL and harmonics.
So, which is the better section type to use for stability? In my area there is little to worry about regards wind velocity and I do not intend to have anything really "top heavy" on the mast. Indeed log periodics and yagis are not going to be possible due to their overhang of neighbouring properties.
I hope that I have made myself clear? Alternative suggestions welcome of course, if my approach is too "brute force."
Denis VK6AKR
At my new QTH the opportunities are a bit limited for antenna towers so I am thinking to install a tilt-up home brew mast of 6m height in the block corner.
My question relates to the better material profile to use - circular hollow section, or square hollow section. The material will be aluminium for weight considerations. I can arrange a nicely-anchored stirrup structure in concrete for the base, but being in a corner I cannot deploy guy wires on three or four sides so it must be effectively self supporting. At a pinch I could arrange for stays, also in aluminium, on two of the sides that are within my property line. There is the need for it to appear "aesthetically pleasing" to avoid conflict with ZYL and harmonics.
So, which is the better section type to use for stability? In my area there is little to worry about regards wind velocity and I do not intend to have anything really "top heavy" on the mast. Indeed log periodics and yagis are not going to be possible due to their overhang of neighbouring properties.
I hope that I have made myself clear? Alternative suggestions welcome of course, if my approach is too "brute force."

Denis VK6AKR