IC-9700 frequency stability and drift tests
Tests on frequency stability of the Icom IC-9700 by Rex VK7MO

[Video: https://youtu.be/u0MqtZNyzLE]
Rex's full written review here -

Hello hayden.
thanks for the links to the work done by Rex, it sort of feels like Icom engineering was under pressure to get the rig out to the market and did not think it all the way through. One thing that came up in conversation with another HAM is that WSPR is not a big thing in JA on VHF and the level of stability needed may not have been on the road map for the specs, given that the 10 MHz ref input was NOT there on early engineering samples. Having said that, the internet discussions on the stability of radio's over the recent years (pre 9700) has been wide spread in the EME and tropo communities. I guess we can only hope there is some way for the 9700 to be partially locked in a future firmware.

Peter vk5pj
Yes the Icom IC-9700 has been GPS locked! How? Well Rex VK7MO brings us up to speed on developments, explains the features he enjoys most out of this new radio and the benefits for those wanting to use this rig on Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) moonbounce or other weaker signal digital modes.

[Video: https://youtu.be/eU0sSYXMhCQ]
Thanks for this, Hayden - great work by you and all involved.
Thanks Damien for your feedback. Please "like" and subscribe!

Two new videos!

Glen VK1XX speaks at Gippstech 2019 about the IC-9700 and GPS locking board he has designed.

[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQ-LGpRfNyw]

[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp89jN2Fo28]
Great work - thanks for posting these.
[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhu6fRz6Z3g]

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