Anyone tried the new exam system yet?
Has anyone actually been involved in the AMC exam system yet either as a a student or as an assessor? I would be interested in your comments about how things went. Was it Big Grin or Sad


Wayne VK4WDM
I'm very interested to know too.  For obvious reasons  Cool

Tim (No Licence Yet)
The fact that nobody has replied to the question is worrying. Maybe it is because nobody that uses this forum is in the "new camp" but it also could mean the the new system is very slow to get moving. 

I just checked the list of assessors on the AMC website. The total number listed is 121. VK 1 = 1, VK2 = 31, VK3 = 28, VK4 = 28, VK5 = 20, VK6 = 8, VK8 = 3. I wonder how these numbers compare with the WIA system? My guess is that is lower. If that is the case, why aren't the former WIA assessors moving across to the new system?

I have been mentoring two blokes who were ready to sit for their foundation license when the rug was pulled out from under them when the system changed. Currently there are no assessors in the Townsville region listed by the AMC. Apparently assessments can be done remotely but I am not sure how that can be done given the need for a practical component.

Now before somebody asks why don't you become an assessor, I am nudging 75 and not in the best of health, so that is not an option.


Wayne VK4WDM

I was in contact with the AMC early in the piece, having previously been a WIA Assessor. In the end, I withdrew my notification of interest after they (1) released their exam fee structure (2) took too long to respond to queries. They finally solved technical issues ( / errors !) with their documentation and assessor agreements but by then I was no longer willing to pursue it with them due to their costings and the way they seemed to be going to work. Not really suitable / acceptable for this type of hobby environment as far as I was concerned.

Their response time will (hopefully) be far better now than earlier in the year but I have heard virtually nothing about the exams process since the initial info release. 
Time to shake the tree ?

Now I don't have to keep the shack clean in case someone wants to do an assessment ( although that may be a bad thing according to the XYL ), no pressure, no liability concerns, makes life good for me but maybe not-so-good for those locally who want to undertake assessments.

I think Sunshine Coast Club are having VK / AMC assessments at the same time as the FCC tests on the 22nd June so I might poke the nose in that area and ask some leading questions !!

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

This Forum is only going to be as interesting as the posts it contains. 
If you have a comment or question, post it as it may trigger or answer the query in someone else's mind.
This months AR mag has some interesting stats that raise early concerns for the health of the hobby:

Quote: Examination and Callsign Services 

With the awarding by ACMA of the contract (called the “deed”) to the Australian Marine College in 
early February this year, now 5 – 6 months ago, it is worthwhile to take a checkpoint on how the new provider is servicing the amateur community. Marc Hillman, WIA statistician, has done some statistical analysis of net new licences over this period. This analysis would indicate that the rate of new amateur qualifi cations is down considerably, period to period, compared to last year – at least 50% less, and most likely 65% less. The implications for the future of the hobby are self-evident. As for Quality of Service (QoS), many AMC assessors have advised anecdotally, that cycle times (turnaround times) are considerably longer in terms of time to get results (was previously same day) and for initial callsign issue.
The setup time involved with the AMC getting things up and running must be taken into account, so the stats are interesting, but the next period e.g. July - December will be more relevant.

The increase in costs associated with the exams via AMC may end up being a factor for some.
I taught in the university system, including UNITAS for many years, and getting a new course up and running is a very complex issue no matter what the academic level of the course. The syllabus and teaching material has to be approved by a least one "teaching and learning committee" and signed off by senior academics.

Assessors will have to be vetted, approved and appointed according to established procedures and educated on policies such as equity, sexual harassment, bullying etc.

Exam material will need to be assessed by an expert panel before it can be used. Examination results will have to be reviewed before they can be issued and there has to be complaint review systems in place.

I am surprised, not by the length of time that is being taken to get things moving, but by how quickly they are moving!

Yes, I am worried that the longer time frame, extra complexity and increased costs will deter prospective hams. Two members of the group I have been mentoring lost interest in getting a license. One of them commenting: why do you need a university qualification for a hobby? Maybe a very good point!

Something I cannot find out.  Can the new system, like the old one, be accessed by those under 18 years old?  If so, "working with children" checks will be required for assessors and others involved with the juveniles.


Wayne VK4WDM
Just reading a VK3 Club newsletter and came across this line in relation to the AMC exam process:-

"There is a cost of $90 per exam component (theory, regulations, practical)."

Now, unless my maths is faulty, the way that is written, that's $270 just to sit a Foundation exam (and $180 every time you want to upgrade).

Or am I missing something here?

Rip off, anyone?
Terry VK5TM
I believe it's $90 per exam session (i.e. if you do the theory and practical at the same time). The Foundation, Standard and Advanced exams include the regulations.
I suspect the separate regulations exam is only for people going down the 'recognition of prior learning' route (not sure why you'd do that as it's a far more expensive option).
That would make more sense and is what I thought the situation is.

Hopefully, someone will actually go through the process and post the results here of how it works (or doesn't).
Terry VK5TM
I sat the "Standard" exam last weekend. The practical is included in the exam fee if you have not done it already. You only need to sit it once. The regulation exam is separate. So my cost for the weekend was $90 for the Standard Exam + $90 for the Regulations exam +$35 for the Callsign application (level 2).

No results yet. Fingers crossed :-)

Thanks for posting that Tim, definitely clarifies the situation.

Good luck with the results.
Terry VK5TM
So I thought I might give a quick update on my experience with the system so far.  On Thursday last week, the costs for my exam and licence registration were debited from my credit card.  Today I received an email from the AMC to say that I was successful and that they have passed my call sign recommendation on to ACMA, who will be in contact with me in due course.  According to the AMC, ACMA have a 10 working day to complete the their part of the process.

So, sometime in the next 2 weeks, I will be allocated my call sign and licence.  Now I can start buying stuff :-)

For those playing along at home, the cost so far has been $90 for the Standard Exam including practical, $90 for the regulations exam and $35 for the licence recommendation.

Tim (Hopefully VK4MST)
Well done, Tim Smile

Catch you on air sometime -
(12-08-2019, 03:20 PM)VK3RX Wrote: Well done, Tim Smile

Catch you on air sometime -
Yes, well done!


Wayne VK4WDM
Hello All,
            Just a quick update.  My licence has come through today, after a quick reminder to ACMA.  So for those counting, that's  4 weeks from taking the exam to getting the actual licence.  For those counting the $, you can add $80 to costs and that now takes me to total of $295, for the exams, callsign recommendation and licence.

Thanks Doug for updating my username :-)

(26-08-2019, 09:08 PM)VK4MST Wrote: Hello All,
            Just a quick update.  My licence has come through today, after a quick reminder to ACMA.  So for those counting, that's  4 weeks from taking the exam to getting the actual licence.  For those counting the $, you can add $80 to costs and that now takes me to total of $295, for the exams, callsign recommendation and licence.

Thanks Doug for updating my username :-)


And compare that to the USA licensing arrangements :

Costs :  $US15 ( /$AUD22) to sit one to all three of the class exams (Tech, Gen or Extra) in one session, no callsign selection fee as you get the next automatic call for the call area 0-9 - but then you can change it using their Vanity call process at no charge, 10 years of free licence which is renewable free within 90 days of expiry (eg 2nd quarter 2029 for me).

Timing : I sat the exam on the Sunshine Coast in AUS on a Saturday, the test results were available within minutes, the paperwork was expressed to Connecticut USA and arrived on the Wednesday, processed by the ARRL VEC on the Thursday, my callsign was on the FCC database on the Friday (early our AM) and that would have let me operate from Friday AM. (All 'days' are based on AUS timezone).

The exam questions and answers are available to study - the VE question pool files for the three levels are downloadable documents.  If you can memorise some 1600 Q&As then you can pass up to the Extra without further study - much like the old 1000 Questions for the Novice Licence book (in VK) did back in the 80s.  There are a heap of on-line testing sites that allow you to gauge your knowledge level for the three FCC classes.   
What do we have in Aus ?  Almost nothing !!  Why ?? Non-public exam question banks....

No prac required for USA licences either.

USA Outcome : 1.5KW PEP on various bands (even for Tech Class), EME (/used to be EMR) assessment requirements mandatory.

Comparable ???  Not to my way of thinking  Dodgy (to get effectively the same operating privileges..)
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

This Forum is only going to be as interesting as the posts it contains. 
If you have a comment or question, post it as it may trigger or answer the query in someone else's mind.
(26-08-2019, 09:08 PM)VK4MST Wrote: Hello All,
            Just a quick update.  My licence has come through today, after a quick reminder to ACMA.  So for those counting, that's  4 weeks from taking the exam to getting the actual licence.  For those counting the $, you can add $80 to costs and that now takes me to total of $295, for the exams, callsign recommendation and licence.

Thanks Doug for updating my username :-)


I am always impressed by the "family clusters" of hams in the USA. Many OM XYL partnerships and very often children as well.  Obviously the low costs and minimal bureaucracy makes this an attractive option.  

Unfortunately we have been locked into a much more costly system in VK (Tim has not mentioned the cost of the annual license fee) with a drawn out process.  Sad

Wayne VK4WDM
I had a slightly faster turnaround than VK4MST, about 3 weeks.

Sitting exam to AMC issuing AOCP - 9 days
AMC sending application to ACMA and ACMA acknowledging receipt - same day
ACMA receiving application until issuing licence (after invoice paid) - 14 days

Total time from exam to licence - 23 days

(15-10-2019, 04:40 PM)VK3FDLL Wrote: I had a slightly faster turnaround than VK4MST, about 3 weeks.

Sitting exam to AMC issuing AOCP - 9 days
AMC sending application to ACMA and ACMA acknowledging receipt - same day
ACMA receiving application until issuing licence (after invoice paid) - 14 days

Total time from exam to licence - 23 days


Congratulations Matt!   I'm also happy to see a slight improvement in the turnaround time. 


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