This week's (15 Feb 2020)  WIA news extract :
"And how are you going with the FUTURE OF AMATEUR RADIO PROGRAM?
 As a registered participant you should have received an email  detailing how to put your view forward. WIA members are automatically  included of course, however if you're not a WIA member and not yet  registered, fear not, for registration is still open, and will be,  for the total duration of ALL the polls. Get in now so your view can  be included in the first one which has to close in another week or so  then shortly after, we move on to Poll Number 2. Wonder what THAT  will be? Stay tuned! 

 By the way .... for each poll there's a number of options you can select from, however if none of those is what you think should  happen, then by all means your view is very welcome. There's a  section for that at the bottom of the form where it says, and I quote:  "Do you have any comments on the poll, or suggestions for alternative  solutions to this issue?"


Info : https://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2...0Signs.pdf

On the WIA page at https://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2.../index.php, near the bottom : 
"The poll will be emailed to WIA members and program participants on the 10th of February 2020 and will run for 2 weeks."

Well I haven't received an email (by 15/2) about casting my vote and I am both a WIA member and I also registered for the poll.  
Has anyone else received an email from the WIA in the last 5-7 days about how to do it, and where... weblink etc.

Makes me wonder if they have another email glitch ???
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Have not received an email either
Terry VK5TM
I haven't received an email either
Nothing here as yet. .
Steve VK4SMJ

Extra Chars
Barossa Valley, SAP. PF95ln
(aka VK5CSW)
I have emailed a copy of my original forum post directly to Aidan VK4APM a few minutes ago with the comment that others have not received any emails either.

I figure that either we will all receive the "specfied email" or I will at least get a direct response from Aidan. 
Fingers crossed.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

This Forum is only going to be as interesting as the posts it contains. 
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Poll email is starting to filter through now.
Got my email too. Followed the link and cast my "vote".

Maybe my email to Aidan prompted a check of what was occurring with this...
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Thumbs Up 
Just Received my invite as well. Cool
Thanks for prompting the WIA

73 from Michael
Mine turned up in the inbox sometime this morning - did the voting thing this afternoon.
Terry VK5TM
Got my email. voted. .
Steve VK4SMJ
I suppose as a first poll it was decided that they'd go for the low hanging fruit.

To be honest, I don't see there even being a question. Make the callsign pool universal - it's just a string of letters and numerals with little real meaning, other than to identify one operator from another.

Having said that, I am pleased that the WIA are at least trying to find out what the membership (and others) are actually thinking and caring about, so it's a leap forward.
Barossa Valley, SAP. PF95ln
(aka VK5CSW)
Anyone can vote, not just WIA members.
If you're not a WIA member you can register to vote here: http://poll.wia.org.au/
Do we have results for this poll yet?
Steve VK4SMJ
Nothing on the WIA web site as yet.   
I sort-of expect they will announce Poll 2 before we hear much about the outcome of Poll 1.  

Maybe they have the same sort of issue handling the votes as the US Democrats suffered back a month or two ago !!  Big Grin
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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*Places tin-foil hat on head*
Maybe they won't release the results if they don't like them?

(Just kidding)
Barossa Valley, SAP. PF95ln
(aka VK5CSW)
From an email from the WIA dated 24 March 2020 :

"We are pleased to present the results of our first poll into Amateur Radio Callsign Structure. 

Some high level statistics.
  • Over 25% of ~13500 unique licence holders in Australia received an opportunity to vote.
  • Almost 60% of the preferences were for Option 1: Allow any operator to have any 3 letter callsign.

Based on these results, and in keeping with the ACMA’s desire for evidence based regulation, the WIA, on behalf of Australian Operators calls on the ACMA to swiftly align the callsign structure with this result."
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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What a fantastic result. I have to admit i didn't think option 1 would get up. But that large block of advanced voters got it well and truly over the line. Well done to those who voted.
Steve VK4SMJ
WOW! that was quick, the 3 letter call is in.. to be implemented by the AMC in the coming weeks.

Steve VK4SMJ
If anyone sees anywhere that the new callsign arrangements are actually in place and being processed, please post here ASAP.  

Some of our F-call forum members may want to be early in the queue for a replacement callsign !!

As far as the forum is concerned, if you change your call then PM me or email me direct and I can change your profile from your old call to your brand new one without anything else changing. All previous posts will remain, as will your current password.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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