Brisbane VHF group - Microwavers get together
Greetings to all again!

On Sunday, some folk would have noticed the expiry of an HP435B microwave power meter together with some visible smoke!

Well, you may be interested to learn that the smoke was caused by the demise of a 25-year-old capacitor that sits across the main 240VAC lines, forming part of the EMI filtering of the AC power input:

I am happy to report that with a $0.95 replacement 'X2' 22nF one from Jaycar, the meter is now working properly again.

With respect to Rod's question (a totally different subject), the BVHFG meeting at Chermside next week is there as a trial location and I can't anticipate what decision the members present will make regarding the venue.

Cheers and 73,

--Doug, '4OE.

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